New postgraduate about relational leadership: ’Strategic Relationship Management’

The Institute of Protocol The Hague launches a new postgraduate about relational leadership called Strategic Relationship Management’. 

’Strategic Relationship Management’ delivers maximum added long term value and efficiency from networks and relationships. The postgraduate teaches participants to develop and implement a relationship management strategy to shape the network of an organisation in a more efficient and effective way.

A unique feature of ’Strategic Relationship Management’ is the vision on contemporary protocol management. In a world where personal attention has become scarce and technology a facilitator for rules and procedures, protocol management provides us with a unique vision in which personal time is the greatest good we can give to someone. It is the modern currency of relationships.

“Protocol translates organisational strategy into effective relationship management.” – Eric Niehe, former Ambassador of the Netherlands in India

Strategic Relationship Management’ will start 9 February with a lecture by Paul Spies, director of the Amsterdam Museum. He will speak about the functionality of protocol in a historical context. Jean Paul Wijers will introduce the new programme and talk about protocol in a contemporary context. 

Programme of the launch of 'Strategic Relationship Management' on 9 February: 
17.00 hs: Reception of the guests in the auditorium of the Hotelschool The Hague
17.30 hrs: Welcome by Jean Paul Wijers, director of the Institute of Protocol The Hague: Strategic Relationship Management
17.45 hrs.: Paul Spies, director of the Amsterdam Museum: the cradle of protocol
18.30 hrs.: End of programme, reception
Would you like to attend? Send us an e-mail at

Subscribe now for the postgraduate about relational leadership 'Strategic Relationship Management': 

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Participants profile 
Insights after the programme 

Practical information 

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