The GMdeF-protocolprize in the Student News of the Hotelschool The Hague

The Gilbert Monod de Froideville Award aims at enhancing the image of the profession and throwing light on the necessary qualities of an organiser. A successful gathering or meeting is, to a high degree, the result of organisational professionalism, with experience in protocol being an essential skill.

Creation of the GMdeF Award
The former Master of Ceremonies of her Majesty the Queen, Gilbert Monod de Froideville inspired many Junior and Senior Partners. He did already so when the Protocolbureau was established. His enthusing lecture on protocol, in 1996, proved a perfect preparation for the Protocolbureau’s first assignment: the presentation of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Award to His Majesty the King of Spain. Subsequently, the Junior and Senior Partners used to stand by him during the Royal Weddings, State Funerals and Royal Baptismal Ceremonies. On 6 June 2007, the managing director of the Protocolbureau brought the award into existence in the presence of all the Junior and Senior Partners. On 25 June 2008, the award was presented for the first time.

The GMdeF award for the best Senior Partner
The Protocolbureau nominates the best Senior Partner for the award. The Protocolbureau’s clients judge the nominated Senior Partners according to the criteria led down. Based on the client’s advice and by means of an interview, the jury will choose the winner of the Gilbert Monod de Froideville Award.

The winner of the GMdeF Award meets the following criteria:
- Exceptional knowledge of protocol.
- Profound organisational insight.
- Excellent host in any circumstances.
- Shows informal leadership.
- Is stress-resistant, flexible and knows how to improvise.

Members of the jury:
- Jonkheer J.P. de Savornin Lohman, LL M (chairman)
- Drs. B.A.B.F. Hulleman
- Drs. E. Krijger
- Mr. B.L.J.M. Lammers
- Mrs. M.J. Verwer-Resink
- Mrs. M. Zuijderhoudt

- Mr. S. van Boxtel (2008)
- Mr. T.J.H. Struijk (incentive prize)
- Mr. G.B. Hoogeveen (2010)


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